Group members

Arya Arun

arya arun website

Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: +44 1865 275474
Office Rodney Porter building, ground floor, office 10.23



Originally from India, I am a post-doctoral research associate in Patrick's lab. I obtained my DPhil in Chemistry at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Dr. Paul Beer, where I worked in the area of supramolecular chemistry involving the synthesis of interlocked structures (rotaxanes and catenanes) for applications in host-guest recognition and salt-extraction. Outside of the lab, I enjoy reading, hiking and working on my music.


Mariska de Munnik

mariska website

Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: +44 1865 275474
Office Rodney Porter building, ground floor, office 10.23



My name is Mariska and after completing my DPhil in Chemical Biology at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Chris Schofield I am now dividing my time as a post-doctoral research associate between the Rabe group and the Schofield group. My research interests lie in the elucidation of enzymatic mechanisms as well as inhibition studies. Currently, my work in Patrick’s group is focussing on mechanistic and structural studies with luciferases and O2 generating enzymes.



Jonny Burnett

jonny website

Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: +44 1865 275474
Office Rodney Porter building, ground floor, office 10.23



I'm Jonny, a biochemistry post-doctoral reseacrh associate in Patrick's lab working on fungal luciferases. Recently I completed a Life Science PhD at the University of Warwick, studying antimicrobial resistance, and the cell wall Divisome enzymes FtsWI. In my spare time I enjoy rugby, bouldering and fantasy novels.




Alexander Stead

sasha stead website

PhD Student

Phone: +44 1865 275474
Office: Rodney Porter building, ground floor, office 10.23



I'm Sasha and I am studying for my DPhil in Chemistry. I recently completed my Master's in Biochemistry with Patrick and will be continuing this preliminary work during my PhD, exploring rapid O2 evolving techniques to facilitate time-resolved crystallographic and spectroscopic studies. My PhD is in collaboration with Diamond Light Source.




Isaac Chan

isaac website

Master Student

Phone: +44 1865 275474
Office: Rodney Porter building, ground floor, office 10.23



I'm Isaac, and I'm in my 4th year at the University of Oxford, studying for a Master's in Biochemistry. I'm performing mechanistic and structural studies on the Neonothopanus nambi hispidin-3-hydroxylase enzyme, which generates hydroxyhispidin, the substrate for luciferase to generate light. I'm excited to be in Patrick's lab and to learn from such an interdisciplinary team!



Monte Tan

monte website

Master Student

Phone: +44 1865 275474
Office: Rodney Porter building, ground floor, office 10.23



My name is Monte. I am from Malaysia and I am currently in my 4th year at Oxford in Chemistry. My research interest is in organic chemistry synthesis and understanding the interface between chemistry and biology. As a Master's student, my project involves the synthesis of luciferin analogues for the purpose of elucidating the structure of Fungal Luciferase. Outside the lab, I find myself cooking, going on runs and playing chess.



Parvi Patel

parvi patel website

Master Student

Phone: +44 1865 275474
Office: Rodney Porter building, ground floor, office 10.23



I'm Parvi, a Part II Chemistry student from St. Hildas College. My research in Patrick's lab is focused on mechanistic studies of O2 evolving enzymes and the applications in time-resolved studies. Outside of the lab, I like to play hockey, watch films and experiment with new recipes in the kitchen.






Iryna Poplevicheva

iryna website

Master Student
